
Details About My Curly Hair

I posted my new look across my Social media accounts and the comments I got was overwhelming and so i thought I should share details about the hair as seen in the photo I posted.  Follow me on Instagram @Thisispere_ So the hair is a wig. It's the recent addition to my wig collection (proud wiggie here!)  I love making wigs although for some...

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Wig Making Tools & Where To Buy Them

Those who know me very Well, know that I love wearing wigs.          See Some of my wigs            A u-part wig                     A U-part wig    The most recent one.    Flip over wig(no leave out)         I'm a proud  wiggie (is that...

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Business tips

Things I've Learnt From Starting My Own Business

I've been incredibly blessed to work for myself. I'm a professional makeup artist and a bridal hair stylist. I've been a makeup artist since 2013 while I was at the university but I branded my business in December 2015 (@DivasByPere) as it became clear to me that it's important I turn my passion into a business. Making money from what you're passionate about is...

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budget shopping

Fashion: Cool Ways To Shop On A Budget

   Source Whether you're a fashionista, blogger, or just a lady that pays attention to her looks, shopping affordable fashion items has become a task. The price of everything now is almost double. The hike in dollar has made shopping almost a task so I'll share some budget friendly ways to shop. 1. Thrift Shopping Thrift shopping is one of the most affordable...

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